Monday, May 2, 2011


Woke up this morning and watched CNN, with breaking news that Osama bin Ladin has been killed. Whooo-rahhh! Now, after almost a decade from 9/11....Osamas finally put to rest and shot in the head by the Navy SEAL team Six!

Speaking of 9/11, first off. All my heart and sympathy goes out to the 9/11 families affected and the victims.

I remember drinking the night before and waking up at my friends house. Still light headed and feeling like crap from all the beer. The TV was on and all I heard was breaking news, USA was under attack and etc...I turned to watch the TV and remember thinking it was a movie. They kept showing the video of the planes crashing into the towers and I was still in disbelief. Then as the day went on and hearing everyone talking about it, I knew it was real. It was such a sad day for the US and watching the images and videos of the planes crashing, buildings collapsing and the people and city of NY in chaos was catastrophic and a dark day for America.

Osama bin Laden no's now Osama bin Shotinthehead

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