Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20th 2012 - Dark Knight Rises - Sad day in US History

Okay, I haven't posted in my Random blog for a while, but this bothered me and I just had to...and yes, I am writing this on a friday night....

I woke up this morning and went through Facebook before going to work and I heard about a shooting that happened in Aurora, CO during the midnight opening of The Dark Knight Rises. I turned on CNN right away and was stunned at what I was watching. At first, I really couldn't believe what happened, kinda like when I woke up when 911 happened and I thought it was a movie at first.

So I go into work and half of my day was reading about what happened at the theatre and trying to find out what happened and who did it. Every so often Yahoo would get updated information and I was on top of it constantly because it still bothered me. So, I get home and I'm watching NBC, CNN and all the other news channels and there's more info released about the shooter, interviews with victims and so on....For the last 2 hours or so, that's all I was watching. After a while of watching, it made me angry and I hope the shooter gets brought to justice. But with this kind of crime, what really is justice.....

I honestly don't know or understand why someone would go off and harm innocent people. What's wrong with these people?!....A lot of people keep saying the world is messed up and the world this and that, Fuck the World, etc......It's NOT the world! It's these crazy, non-stable individuals that have problems! WTF is wrong with em! It pisses me off and I can never understand how someone could do violent acts against innocent people. Mostly when reading about how kids were victims of this crime....It's heart braking and saddening.....

I also read an article about a very promising, bright and beautiful young lady named Jessica Ghawi. She wrote a blog about how she survived the Toronto mall shooting, then about her wanting to get some sushi but decided not too because she didn't feel well. Then she decided to grab a burger and went outside. While outside the mall, the shooting occurred right where she was 3 minutes ago......It's so fucking crazy! She basically dodged death....(for the time least...) Then a couple of days later, she is in Aurora, CO and becomes a victim of the theatre shooting. It's soooo fucking's not fair.....My condolences goes out to her, the victims and the victims families.

A paragraph from her blog that means sooo much and holds sooo much weight. It's something I live by ever since and still believe in...

“I say all the time that every moment we have to live our life is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given."

- Jessica Ghawi (RIP)